Hallo lieve knutsel vrienden, vandaag heb ik twee kaarten met een alcohol inkt achtergrond op Yupo papier. En ze zijn echt super snel en leuk om te maken.

Hi lovely crafty friends, today I have two cards with an alcohol ink background on Yupo paper. And they are super quick and fun to make.

Ik heb 3 warme kleuren gebruikt voor de eerste kaart, Lemonade,
sunset orange & raspberry. 

used three warm colours for the first card, Lemonade,
sunset orange & raspberry.

Ik heb perkament papier gebruikt de wat kleurverschil te krijgen en hele grote Nuvo Jewel drops.

I used parchment paper to get some colour difference and really big Nuvo Jewel drops.

Voor de tweede kaart heb ik koele kleuren bij elkaar gebruikt: cool
peri, lettuce & aqua.

For the second card I used cool colours together: cool
peri, lettuce & aqua.

En in combinatie met de glans van de alcohol inkt heb ik Vintage drops aangebracht met een matte finish.

And in combination with the gloss from the alcohol inks I added the vintage drops with the mat finish.  

En hier is de video voor jullie. Veel kijkplezier!

And here is the video for you. Have fun watching!

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If you are not yet a subscriber to my YouTube channel, subscribe for free, I really appreciate it! Thanks in advance and thanks for stopping by!

There are some affiliate links below, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. These are all products I highly recommend. 
Thank you so much for your support!

Ranger Alcohol ink pink card: Lemonade,
sunset orange & raspberry

green card: cool peri, lettuce &

[Scrapbook.com USA]

http://tidd.ly/9bec3f83  [CraftStash]
Ranger Yupo Paper
[Scrapbook.com USA]
Nuvo – Vintage Drops matte – pioneer
http://shrsl.com/1cto9 [Scrapbook.com]
http://shrsl.com/1ctog [Tonic Studios USA]
http://tidd.ly/cce7ff00  [CraftStash UK]
Nuvo – Jewel Drops – Honeysuckle
http://shrsl.com/1jqyn  [Scrapbook.com]
http://shrsl.com/1jqyg  [Tonic Studios USA]
http://shrsl.com/1imsx  [Tonic Studios UK]
http://tidd.ly/c63a089a  [CraftStash UK]

Tim Holtz Shadow script #2
http://shrsl.com/1lftw [Scrapbook.com USA]
http://tidd.ly/c3363141  [CraftStash UK]

CraftEmotions 110106/0100
transparent paper