Hallo lieve knutsel vrienden, vandaag heb ik weer een pagina voor mijn mini album met Rubber Dance Stempels. Je kan er natuurlijk ook een kaart van maken.

Hi lovely crafty friends, today I have another page for my mini album with Rubber Dance Stamps. you can turn this into a card too of course.

Ik heb een eenvoudig landschap gemaakt met de textured houses en four seasons stempels.

I made a simple scenery with the textured houses and four seasons stamps.

Ik heb de mix a sentiment stempel gebruik om een zin te maken met de woorden.

I used the mix a sentiment stamp to create a sentence with the words
Wat doodle lijnen om de voorgrond op een straat te laten lijken.

Some doodle lines to make the foreground look like a street.

En wat cirkels als de sterren.
En hier is de video voor jullie. Veel kijkplezier!

And some circles as the stars. 
And here is the video for you. Have fun watching!

Ben je nog geen abonnee op mijn YouTube kanaal, abonneer je dan gratis, dat vind ik echt leuk! Alvast bedankt en bedankt voor je bezoek!

If you are not yet a subscriber to my YouTube channel, subscribe for free, I really appreciate it! Thanks in advance and thanks for stopping by!

There are some affiliate links below, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. These are all products I highly recommend. Thank you so much for your support!

Tsukineko Versafine Clair ink –
http://shrsl.com/1etcj [Scrapbook.com USA]
http://tidd.ly/e1aadef8 [CraftStash UK]
Distress oxide Ink pad – carved
http://shrsl.com/16s22 [Joggles USA]
http://shrsl.com/1a8c0 [Scrapbook.com USA]
http://tidd.ly/625786a7  [CraftStash UK]
Distress oxide Ink pad – barn door
http://shrsl.com/16s22 [Joggles USA]
http://shrsl.com/1a8c0 [Scrapbook.com USA]
http://tidd.ly/625786a7  [CraftStash UK]
Oxide Ink pad – worn lipstick
http://shrsl.com/1ip2l  [Joggles USA]
[Scrapbook.com USA]
[Ranger ink]
[CraftStash UK]

Distress Oxide Ink Pad – antique
http://shrsl.com/16v8j [Joggles USA]
http://shrsl.com/1dfk6 [Scrapbook.com USA]
http://tidd.ly/52610562  [CraftStash UK]
Distress oxide Ink pad – evergreen bough
http://shrsl.com/16s22 [Joggles USA]
http://shrsl.com/1a8c0 [Scrapbook.com USA]
http://tidd.ly/625786a7  [CraftStash UK]
Perfect – Watercolor Card – White
http://shrsl.com/1e2aa [Tonic
Studios USA]
http://shrsl.com/1ihxs  [Tonic
Studios UK]
http://shrsl.com/1g706 [Scrapbook.com]
Nuvo – Brushes – Paint Brush Set –
12 PCS
http://shrsl.com/1mkbh  [Scrapbook.com]
http://shrsl.com/1mk59 [Tonic Studios USA]
http://shrsl.com/1mkbb [Tonic Studios UK]
Sakura Pen Set – Micron 6 piece
Black ink set – Six Different Point Sizes
http://shrsl.com/1hhck [Scrapbook.com USA]
Nuvo –
Marker Pen Collection – Fair Skin Tones – Sweet Vanilla
http://shrsl.com/1iexl  [Tonic Studios USA]
http://shrsl.com/1iexr  [Tonic
Studios UK]
http://shrsl.com/1iexu  [Scrapbook.com]
http://tidd.ly/bd297296  [CraftStash UK]
Craft Perfect – Ultra Smooth Card-
White – 8.5″ x 11″ (5/PK)
http://shrsl.com/1hzxu [Tonic Studios USA]
http://shrsl.com/1hzxx [Tonic
Studios UK]
http://tidd.ly/a4f8363 [CraftStash UK]
Signo Uni-ball