Treasure Trunk Gerry's Craft Room


Get the key to ALL GERRY’S GEMS, the best freebies to help you in your creative journey and use on your craft projects.

These include cool printables, step-by-step guides, colour palettes and measurements for different projects.

And YES all of that is totally for FREE, yay! Just Sign up for the GCR newsletter and you can dive right in. 

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To access your freebies, including the new ones, you can simply use the link in the newsletter that will take you right there.

Quotes and Sentiments

With the exclusive Quotes and Sentiment sheets you have the perfect finish for your art projects. The different themes will give you lots of options.

Cards & Tickets

The Cards & Tickets come complete with fun and upbeat sentiments. You can cut them out and add them to a card or gift. They are perfect to use to cheer someone up, to make them smile or even laugh.

Step-By-Step Guides

Making art is so much more fun if you know what you are doing. With the guides you learn what works and how so you can get the best results on your projects.

Art Starters

The Art Starters contain various words that you can use to spark your imagination, get those creative juices flowing. Use the one or more that feel best for this day and get started, sometimes it’s that simple!

Colour Palettes

Everyone gets their inspiration in a different way. For me, colour palettes are a great recipe to get started. Besides the colours, the shapes and textures of the inspirational pictures are a great help as well. 

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