Joseph's Coat

Hi lovely crafty friends, today I have a super cool Stamp technique done with stencils:-) Is that even possible, I think so. There is always more than one way to get a look or effect.

It’s also a great option to use your supplies in multiple ways, to make them work for you.

All techniques and ideas are shown in the video tutorial. Make sure to watch it to get all the best tips and tricks.

If you haven’t seen the Triple Stencil Technique video yet, make sure to check it out.

(All supplies are linked to different stores at the end of this post in the thumbnails. The different stores are also linked behind the product name. Among them are affiliate links that may be used at no cost to you.)

Joseph's Coat

For these cards I have been using Keren Tamir Stencils & Masks( JGG ), she has some gorgeous new designs, 5 large and 5 smaller ones.

Joseph's Coat

And I have two different takes on the Joseph’s Coat Technique. This is originally done with big stamps, but I don’t have those.

However, I do have stencils, that were just waiting for me to test if I could get a similar result.

Joseph's Coat
Joseph's Coat
Joseph's Coat

Thanks for stopping by and make sure to keep on crafting!
